It's been too long since my character in Perfect World had a photo op. It was wayyyy long ago and my name is still Prosty. It's originally Prosti but the Game Masters changed it to Prosty instead because as they say it's obscene. (But it's not filtered in the chat box unlike other obscene words.) I reasoned and defended for my name to be reverted but as usual they have the last word. Instead I chose Vavavoom for a new name.
Here was my last pic ages ago with GM FelMaiden:
She's UberCOOOL Yumang(archer). She's wearing rank 8 armors and bow - that's a freaking 200,000 fame. Plus she has a grown imp (attainable by lvl 99 and still not implemented) compared to mine (see bottom image) which is still a "burger" as we fondly call them in-game. But I'm dressed hotter than before. Baring my skin in my two-piece ensemble. Hahaha!
Anyway, I uploaded some of recent pics in Friendster only and not in my Picasa Photo album. And sorry for the quality of pics, I'm not much of a photographer in PW. Hahaha! Ta~tah for now! Gonna get help from season artist in-game.
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