Belated Happy Birthday MAKIZ!
Thanks for the party last night. It was awesome. Sorry I didn't get you anything. I just heard it from Aris yesterday after work. So I didn't have time to buy you anything.
I just had a minor accident yesterday on the way to the pizza parlor
with my officemates. I just waved to someone I know without knowing the tricycle on front of me suddenly slowed down. I hit the brake but it was too late. Luckily I wasn't speeding so there ain't no injuries and damages. I just said sorry to the driver and he acknowledge it.
It was so embarassing. What made it more embarassing was there are a lot of people who knew me there and I am with my office mates. There were a lot of people who saw it cause it's after office hours. And I have shouted so loud that it even attracted a lot of attention. The noise that came from colliding my front wheel to his trike is not in comparison with my shout. Hahaha.
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