Simbang Gabi

I’ve completed the Simbang Gabi and didn’t miss a single mass. onion emoticons(Yes I do go to church, aside from lumang simbahan, and hear mass for special occasions and the likes. And if you are curious I didn’t burst into flames, hah!onion emoticons)

For those unfamiliar with it, it is the nine day Christian tradition of attending early morning masses that runs from December 16 to 24. A lot of believes that if one completes all the nine masses their wish will be granted.

But come to think of it, I still haven’t figure out what to wish for. onion emoticonsHmmm…

Ta tah for now. I’ll think of one great thing to wish for. World peace? Hahaha, Maybe not. Time to make my Christmas list. But before that I’m gonna give in to my puto bumbong and chaa craving before attending the mass. onion emoticonsYum!
