Christmas Came Early than I Expected

Yes, with a twist of luck, Christmas came early for me. I expected the voucher for my ka-ching to be signed by next week when the cashier will go to the main campus. But the president of the BSU system just paid us a visit for an emergency meeting this afternoon and signed every documents including my voucher. Talk about luck.

ShopaholicI guess I'll have moolah to spend on Saturday when I meet someone. I might end up splurging it. I go sometimes on spending spree. Somebody stop me!

I want to ask if I can avail of the Transportation and Food Allowance, but I don't want to be "atribida" on the meeting. Hahaha. I might sound "mukhang pera" to some people here, but hey I am just asking. If I can avail, thanks, if I'm not eligible to claim, thanks anyway. At least I did know the reasons for their decisions. And If I didn't asked about the bonus I wouldn't be recieving it.:D

It pays to ask.

